How do I display the mass of my part?
By default, the Mass parameter (as well as other parameters such as volume, surface, etc.) are only visible in the Analysis stage.
You must therefore either ...
How do I limit a thread ?
By default, the thread goes to the end of the selected cylinder. To limit it, you must give an end point in the geometry.
How to recover mold icon bar?
If the icon bar is no longer visible on the screen, it is possible that it is simply outside the limits of the screen.
In order ...
How to define a Cadmould material?
The Cadmould material is defined by adding the identifier of this material to the material document associated to the part to be analyzed. For this, ...
How do I migrate my Pdm server to the new version?
Step #1: Backup of the data from the current versionOn the serveur side, from the TopSolid'Pdm Serveur icon (near the Windows clock), make a right ...
How to repeat an element and keep its layer?
By default, the repetition of an element is created on the current layer.However, it is possible to change this behavior by adding the following configuration ...
How to get the part number in the description ?
During the definition of a part, it is possible to get the part number in the Designation field by using the following syntax:
After validation of ...
How to recognize the texts?
This document explains how character recognition works in TopSolid'Inspection. It can be used as a response to reliability problems when retrieving dimensions and tolerances from ...
How to use my 3Dconnexion mouse with TopSolid?
3Dconnexion mouse are supported by TopSolid7.
Until version 7.16, only the 3d sensor used to rotate, zoom and move the view is supported.
From version 7.17, the ...
How to manage line thickness during printing?
By default, the line thickness are defined as follows:
The even colors are printed in thick line of 0,5mm except the red color (color n°4) which ...
How to limit the Z of a constant step-over?
By default, the constant step-over is not limited on the minimum Z, even if a value is entered in the "Z Minimum" box:
In order ...
How do I create an automated TopSolid setup?
The need is to deploy TopSolid on several workstations without having to manually restart the installation procedure on each workstation.
The first step is to install ...
How do I create an incremental parameter?
Definition: An incremental parameter is an optional driver parameter with no units, whose value increases by one each time the component is included in an ...
How to machine in spiral machining with a sweeping?
The "Spiral machining" option is only available if the sweeping is done on a single surface with closed iso-parametric curves.
The option is then available:
How to limit a side milling?
To limit a side milling operation, click on the empty box next to the "Entry and exit" box in the milling label:
Set first and last ...
How can we reduce calculation time when using an environment?
Activating an environment can considerably slow down calculation time, especially if the environment is too detailed.
To optimize calculation time, simplify environment geometries as much as ...
How can I hide the stock in a drafting?
From version 7.17 onwards, the stock is integrated by default into the views of the "Machined Part Setup" document.
When a drafting is generated, the main ...
How can I improve TopSolid's performance?
In your Windows settings, go to Display settings, then " Graphics settings ".
Click on "Browse", then find the TopSolid 7.17 executable in your installation directory ...
How do I uninstall a version of TopSolid?
A version of TopSolid v6 or 7 contains many applications (Design, Wood, Cam, etc.), each with its own installation program. Uninstalling them using the Windows ...
How do I generate G-Code for a single operation?
When generating the G-Code of an operation or a group of operations, TopSolid checks that the approach is made from the tool change position.
If this ...
How to create a mirror electrode?
The creation of a mirror electrode is rather special.In order to correctly manage electrode markers and other data specific to this type of entity, it ...
How to activate logs?
In the event of problems with the software, the logs allow us to identify the source of the problem more quickly. You will find the ...
How to create my own derivation template document?
This article describes how to create a template derivation document.
Template creation steps:
Create a new part document,
Derive this document using the Tools > Derivation > Derived ...
How to engrave a profile that intersects itself?
When you validate a sketch of this type, you may get this error message:
• Display the document “Options” window > “Sketch” > “Planar sketch
How to deactivate the bubble zoom animation?
Symptom: On low-performance computers/tablets, the animation displayed when the drawing is centred on a bubble can slow down use of the application.
Solution: From version 7.18, ...
How do I define a document's default transparency?
The default transparency of a document is defined by the configuration keyword A_TRANSPARENCY followed by a value between 0 and 9.
0: Shape is totally opaque
9 ...
How to add floating license?
To install floating license tokens, you have to use the Wlmadmin.exe application, available from :
For TopSolid v6 :
the folder (copy/paste this link into your ...