Why do I have files with the .rsc extension?
When an error occurs, TopSolid suggests saving the opened document with the .rsc extension. To use it, run the File > Open command and then ...
Where can I find the latest version of the Sentinel driver?
The different versions of the Sentinel driver are available on the FTP site in the following folder:
The latest version is accessible with the link ...
Where can I find the latest version of the floating license manager?
The different versions of the floating license manager are available on the FTP site in the following folder:
The latest version is accessible with the ...
Where can I find the setups of TopSolid (current and former versions)?
Since 2020, the versions are no longer delivered as DVD, they are available for download from the following links:
Versions 2025 :
TopSolid 6.26 : https://cdn2.topsolid.com/BF80B7F8-8F56-438A-B26A-466345952EB8/TopSolid.DownloaderV6.exe
TopSolid 7.19 ...
What is the compatibility between versions 6 and 7?
The compatibility between version 6 and version 7 is unidirectional, files created in version 6 can be opened in version 7
However, it is important to ...
Why do I get a coarse rendering when I verify?
The faceting tolerances must be reduced. In general, the faceting tolerances of the stock and tools must be at least 2 times smaller than the ...
Why is my chamfer milling inactive ?
The position setting is certainly too high. If this value is greater than the distance between the end of the chamfer and a possible face, ...
Why doesn't my side milling calculate ?
Check the in/out movements. Indeed, if the approach and exit movements are too important and the tool is in collision with the finish, the milling ...
Why my nesting part doesn't produce a nesting section?
The nesting characteristics entered in the part to be nested allow you to define the nesting section. In Automatic mode, the section is calculated automatically, ...
Why can’t I find my libraries in my new project ?
Since version 7.16, when creating a new project, TopSolid only references TopSolid’s libraries so as not to overload the project with libraries. You must therefore ...
Why do I have aliasing when printing?
When a drafting document contains very large but also very small elements, it potentially reaches the limit of the resolution of the printer you are ...
Why is my sweeping under my selected face?
A face has no thickness, so it must be indicated on which side of the face the tool should be positioned.
If the machining is under ...
Why TopSolid doesn't start?
Symptom: For an unknown reason, TopSolid doesn't start.
Possible cause: This problem can be due to an error in the printers declaration in Windows because TopSolid ...
Why are some parts positioned below the support?
The nesting characteristics entered in the part to be nested are used to define the section to be nested.
The XY plane of the selected frame ...
What are the resources used by TopSolid'Update?
TopSolid'Update use the URL: https://update.topsolid.com and the communication port 443.If you have any problems, you should check that this URL and port are declared in ...
Why the selection window is not displayed?
Symptom: When selecting entities, it may happen that the window frame is not displayed.
Possible cause: The Antialiasing - Mode option of your nVidia card is ...
Why is my part missing in verification?
The problem usually comes from an error when removing the material.
To solve this problem:
In the Verification options > "Animation" tab > Select "Repair invalid solids".
It’s ...
Why the MultiConverter doesn't start?
Symptom: Nothing happens when you double click on the Multiconverter icon or when you double click on the MultiConverter.exe file (available in the C:\Missler\V6xx\bin directory).
Possible ...
What hardware configuration is required to use TopSolid?
The hardware recommendations are available on the TopSolid website. (https://www.topsolid.com):
For TopSolid v6: Configuration TopSolid v6
For TopSolid 7: Configuration TopSolid 7
Why does rotation with my 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse freeze?
Symptom: When using the SpaceMouse, particularly when switching from one application to another, the rotation may freeze for a moment and then resume.
Cause: The 3Dconnexion ...
Why do I get an error when using the Excel Link command?
Symptom: When using the Construction > Parameters > Excel Link... command, the following message is displayed:
The communication between TopSolid and Excel does not work correctly ...
Why the previews of some dialogues are black?
Symptm: In version 7.18 (this phenomenon does not exist in earlier versions), the previews of some dialogs, such as the preview of the Modeling > ...
Where to download new HDR environments
A vast library of free, royalty-free HDR environments is available here : HDRIs • Poly Haven
Please note that only .hdr files are compatible with the ...
Why the TopSolid v6 translator is not available?
Symptom: When importing a file using the Import / Export > Import file with conversion... command, the TopSolid v6 translator is not displayed in the ...
What's new in the latest versions of TopSolid?
The What's New documents are available at: https://help.topsolid.com/The links below allow direct access to the What's New documents for each version.
What's New TopSolid 7.19
What's New ...